Setting up Instagram on MojoKeys

Learn how to get started using MojoKeys to schedule and publish posts on Instagram.

For MojoKeys to utilize all features of Instagram, including publishing content, your Instagram account needs to be a Creator / Business account linked with a Facebook Page.

In this guide, we will cover:

  1. Confirming that your Instagram is a Business Account
  2. Linking your Instagram account with your Facebook Page
  3. Adding Instagram to MojoKeys

1. Confirm that your Instagram is a Business Account

To verify the type of Instagram profile you have, follow these steps:

  1. Open Instagram in a web browser and click on your profile image in the top-right corner. Select Settings from the dropdown menu.
  2. Look for an option at the bottom of the left side-menu that is highlighted in blue.
  • If it says Switch to Personal Account, you have a Business Account enabled.
  • If it says Switch to Professional Account, click it, and choose Business Account.

2. Linking your Instagram account with your Facebook Page

Before adding Instagram to MojoKeys, your Instagram Business Account needs to be linked to a Facebook Page.

To link your Instagram Business Account to your Facebook Page:

  1. Open Facebook in a web browser, select Pages in the left side-menu, and choose your page.
  2. Click Settings or Manage at the bottom of the left side-menu, then select Linked Accounts in the side-menu.
  3. Then Select Instagram and press the blue "Connect Account" button as indicated.

3. Adding Instagram to MojoKeys

To add your Instagram account to MojoKeys:

  1. Navigate to the /accounts page on MojoKeys and click the + Add account button.
  2. Select Instagram from the list of available platforms.

If you correctly linked your Instagram Business Account to your Facebook Page, your Instagram Account will appear on this list:

  • Select it, and you have now successfully added Instagram to MojoKeys 🥳

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