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Enhance teamwork and client management with dedicated tools that streamline communication and project oversight.
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Round Inc
1. Team Access and Management

Customizable Permissions for Team Efficiency

Grant tailored access to team members and clients with customized roles and permissions, enabling efficient task management and seamless client interaction.
Faster Onboarding
2. Real-Time Collaboration

Sync Efforts with Real-Time Collaboration

Work synchronously on projects, allowing for instant updates and feedback. Ensure all stakeholders, including clients, are aligned and informed at every step.
More Productive
3. Workspace Organization

Organize Projects and Clients

Manage various brands or clients within dedicated workspaces. Keep campaigns organized and ensure that each team or client has access to relevant information and tools.

Integrated with all your  social media

See all integrations

Frequently asked  questions

How can MojoKeys help with client management?

MojoKeys provides tools for giving clients tailored access to projects, enabling them to view progress and interact with campaigns directly within the platform.

How does real-time collaboration benefit client relationships?

It keeps clients closely involved and updated, enhancing transparency and trust by showing them real-time progress on their projects.

How do team roles enhance project management with clients?

By assigning specific roles to team members, you ensure that client projects are handled by the right personnel with the right expertise, streamlining project workflows.

Can permissions be customized for both team members and clients?

Yes, you can customize access permissions extensively within MojoKeys, ensuring that everyone only sees what they need to, whether they are part of your team or your clients.

What is the advantage of having dedicated workspaces for clients?

Dedicated workspaces allow for better organization and focused management of each client's specific needs and campaigns, making it easier to handle multiple clients efficiently.

Can clients interact with their projects on MojoKeys?

Yes, clients can be given interactive access to engage with their projects, providing feedback directly within the platform.

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